Translating hello, please, thank you

4 phones showing "hello" translated inn 4 languages

Every time we visit a new country, we learn how to say 3 words - hello, please, thank you. 

Yes, a lot of the world speaks English. Yes, that’s usually the easy thing to do. But, you’d be surprised how much appreciation you immediately see on someone’s face when you show that you put the littlest bit of effort into learning a few words. And you’ll probably butcher it, but that’s ok. You tried, and you’ll improve every time. 

As we’ve been traveling the world learning these words in tens of languages, we started researching to see if we could find a comprehensive list of these 3 key words translated into every language. 

We came up short. Very short. There are a few articles that do “hello” in 50 languages, 30 languages, 21 languages - at most, 100… but there 7,000 languages in the world. Our google searching came up empty. Perhaps there’s a book on this in the Library of Congress, but Adam on quora knows that 4,000 of them are poorly studied, and he’s got 310 of them. 

We’re pretty sure Google sheets can hold up to 10,000,000 cells, so we figured we could start crowd-sourcing this. 3 words x 7,000 languages should be a doable 21,000 words. And even if we make it halfway, that’s several times what omniglot has got. 

If you know any of these words in another language, please help us translate here. Eventually, we’d love to make this an app where you can learn and play the translations easily, but we gotta start somewhere. 


Wishing you kind travels,  

hello. please. thank  you. 



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